"...a thought-provoking glimpse at the anguished consequences for women trying to conform to society's often unattainable image of female beauty." ...Martin Hernandez, LA Weekly on "The Most Massive Woman Wins"
November 12, 13, 14
8 PM Curtain MATURE AUDIENCES. "Overtones". . . two women as they appear to each other, and their inner selves as they really are. Harriet and Margaret are two refined ladies, but Hettie and Maggie are their thoughts and emotions come to life. As cool and serene as Harriet and Margaret may appear, Hettie and Maggie are just as volatile, troubled and passionate. A play where human nature as it appears to the world and as it is becomes dramatized psychology. "The Most Massive Woman Wins". . . offers a more challenging, brutal and hilarious take ... four women of various shapes and sizes, sitting in the waiting room of a liposuction clinic explore their perceptions of body image. The women reveal their experiences dealing with their weight issues through monologues, short scenes, and even schoolyard rhymes. From painful childhood memories to frustrations with the opposite sex, these experiences both haunt and empower these women as they imagine their way to a new vision of themselves as beautiful and whole. The Most Massive Woman Wins is presented by special arrangement with Playscripts, Inc. (www.playscripts. com)